Memberships will be through Saddlebook for all members.
Click here for a link to our membership page through Saddlebook
Please work through this checklist to make sure we have all the information we need to start the season off smoothly:
- Memberships are open through Saddlebook starting in February 2025.
- Pay membership fees: $175.00
- Click here to print parent wavier
- Once parent wavier is notarized you will need to email it to [email protected]
- Email a copy of the birth certificate to [email protected]
- Click here to print contestant tax form
- Email contestant tax form to [email protected]
- *Click Here for form* Fill out contestant jacket form
- Memberships are open through Saddlebook starting in February 2025.
- Pay membership fees: $175.00
- Click here to print contestant tax form
- Email contestant tax form to [email protected]
- *Click Here for form* Fill out contestant jacket form
Photo Release OPT-OUT Form: only fill out and turn this form in if you would like to opt-out of using photos for promotional purposes. Memberships are open through Saddlebook starting in February 2025.
Age Divisions
Age is as of September 1st, 2024
6 years and under
Barrel Racing | Pole Bending | Goat Tail Tying
7-10 years old
Girls: Barrel Racing | Pole Bending
Boys and Girls: Goat Tying | Breakaway Roping | Team Roping
Boys: Steer Riding
11-15 years old
Girls: Barrel Racing | Pole Bending | Goat Tying
Boys and Girls: Breakaway Roping | Team Roping
Boys: Calf Tying | Steer Riding
**Members must be enrolled in 8th grade or lower**
6 years and under
Barrel Racing | Pole Bending | Goat Tail Tying
7-10 years old
Girls: Barrel Racing | Pole Bending
Boys and Girls: Goat Tying | Breakaway Roping | Team Roping
Boys: Steer Riding
11-15 years old
Girls: Barrel Racing | Pole Bending | Goat Tying
Boys and Girls: Breakaway Roping | Team Roping
Boys: Calf Tying | Steer Riding
**Members must be enrolled in 8th grade or lower**
Membership Dues:
- $175.00 per contestant if paid on or before the end of the first rodeo
- Late Membership
- $200.00 per contestant if paid after the first rodeo
- WJRA Membership
- Contestant Jacket, given at State Finals
- $30.00 per weekend
- Hometown contestants are eligible for day prizes and payout
- Find more details on the Hometown Membership page
- You MUST have a full membership to enter State Finals