President: Josh Manke
Vice President: Tyler Smith
Treasurer: David Bowar
Secretary: Megan Rice
Event Directors:
Goat Tying: Danyell Mandel
Barrel Racing: Justin Hatfield & Rusty Martin
Pole Bending: Scott Anderson & Luke Weideman
Team Roping: Denton Keener & Corbin Nicholls
Calf Tying: Ty Tillard & Troy Hubbard
Breakaway Roping: Chad Braun & Tyler Smith
Steer Riding: Jason Hubbard & Dahl Nicholls
Memberships will remain at $175 plus credit card processing fees
Deadline for memberships is the end of the first rodeo
There is a $25 late fee for memberships bought after the first rodeo
We will now be using Saddlebook for our online entry system. Last year we had to make a quick change on platforms as our previous one did an update that would not work for us. With limited time we chose what was the best option at that time. After a year of working through rodeos, we have determined that it was causing more work than helping. We have researched into Saddlebook and determined that it is an easy to use program that will save the office time for getting results printed and checks out. Saddlebook has an amazing support system for our end, and an online chat option if you ever have troubles entering. We apologize about so many changes in our entry platforms over the past couple of years. We are very hopeful this one will be around for years to come.
This year we are doing a raffle! Each contestant will be required to sell at least $100 in tickets. Tickets will be available online to be printed off. We will sell each ticket at $10. Cash or a check will need to be turned in at State Finals when you check in, or you will not be able to compete at state. We are very excited about this raffle. More information to come on what we will be raffling off.
The WJRA will no longer be covering the credit card processing fees for online entries.
Bylaws change:
Next year's executive board will only be determined at the directors meeting by directors that are physically present at the meeting by a silent ballot. The selection will be from the nominations chosen at the State Finals meeting. Contestants and parents are allowed to nominate a current director for Vice President or President.
ENTRY WINDOW HAS BEEN CHANGED. The entry window for each rodeo will be open Sunday the week before the rodeo, and will close Sunday at midnight the week of the rodeo. We will be using Saddlebook for a platform this year for entries. More information to come on this.
All rodeos will count towards end of season points.
There is no minimum number of rodeos to go to state, you must have paid for your membership prior to state finals.
Ropes are to be tied to the saddle horn with nylon string. A knot must be at the end of the rope with the string tied at the knot. There will be no tail. A distinguishable flag that is visible to the flagman or judge must be attached at the knot end of the rope.
A qualified ride in the Jr Steer Riding will be 6 seconds.
A qualified ride in the Sr Steer Riding will be 8 seconds.
No wraps will be allowed in the Jr or Sr Steer Riding.
Each Steer Rider is responsible for having their own mouth guard.
Goats will be switched every 5, except for the Peewee Goat Tail Tying, goats will be changed at director's discretion.
Vice President: Tyler Smith
Treasurer: David Bowar
Secretary: Megan Rice
Event Directors:
Goat Tying: Danyell Mandel
Barrel Racing: Justin Hatfield & Rusty Martin
Pole Bending: Scott Anderson & Luke Weideman
Team Roping: Denton Keener & Corbin Nicholls
Calf Tying: Ty Tillard & Troy Hubbard
Breakaway Roping: Chad Braun & Tyler Smith
Steer Riding: Jason Hubbard & Dahl Nicholls
Memberships will remain at $175 plus credit card processing fees
Deadline for memberships is the end of the first rodeo
There is a $25 late fee for memberships bought after the first rodeo
We will now be using Saddlebook for our online entry system. Last year we had to make a quick change on platforms as our previous one did an update that would not work for us. With limited time we chose what was the best option at that time. After a year of working through rodeos, we have determined that it was causing more work than helping. We have researched into Saddlebook and determined that it is an easy to use program that will save the office time for getting results printed and checks out. Saddlebook has an amazing support system for our end, and an online chat option if you ever have troubles entering. We apologize about so many changes in our entry platforms over the past couple of years. We are very hopeful this one will be around for years to come.
This year we are doing a raffle! Each contestant will be required to sell at least $100 in tickets. Tickets will be available online to be printed off. We will sell each ticket at $10. Cash or a check will need to be turned in at State Finals when you check in, or you will not be able to compete at state. We are very excited about this raffle. More information to come on what we will be raffling off.
The WJRA will no longer be covering the credit card processing fees for online entries.
Bylaws change:
Next year's executive board will only be determined at the directors meeting by directors that are physically present at the meeting by a silent ballot. The selection will be from the nominations chosen at the State Finals meeting. Contestants and parents are allowed to nominate a current director for Vice President or President.
ENTRY WINDOW HAS BEEN CHANGED. The entry window for each rodeo will be open Sunday the week before the rodeo, and will close Sunday at midnight the week of the rodeo. We will be using Saddlebook for a platform this year for entries. More information to come on this.
All rodeos will count towards end of season points.
There is no minimum number of rodeos to go to state, you must have paid for your membership prior to state finals.
Ropes are to be tied to the saddle horn with nylon string. A knot must be at the end of the rope with the string tied at the knot. There will be no tail. A distinguishable flag that is visible to the flagman or judge must be attached at the knot end of the rope.
A qualified ride in the Jr Steer Riding will be 6 seconds.
A qualified ride in the Sr Steer Riding will be 8 seconds.
No wraps will be allowed in the Jr or Sr Steer Riding.
Each Steer Rider is responsible for having their own mouth guard.
Goats will be switched every 5, except for the Peewee Goat Tail Tying, goats will be changed at director's discretion.